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Probably in this world there are no more than two-three musicians left, who, like you, have deeply understood, as you say, "The right way to play Bach".
Roël Weidenbaum-Gershony, Musician
Ti scrivo per dirti che sono rimasto molto impressionato dalla qualità magnifica dei tuoi files, di cui ti felicito e ringrazio dal profondo del cuore.
(I write to tell you that I have been really impressed by the magnificent quality of your files, for what I send you congratulations and thanks from the deep of my heart.)
Desidero farLe i miei più sinceri complimenti, e devo confessarLe che La invidio un pochino: riuscire ad elaborare una composizione è un traguardo che non sono mai riuscito a raggiungere. Complimenti inoltre per il bel sito su Bach, che ho già "saccheggiato", e concordo pienamente con le "Listener's Impression".
(Congratulations, and I must confess that I envy you a bit: to work out a composition is a goal I haven't reached yet. Congratulations also for your nice Bach's site that I have already "sacked", and I totally agree with the "Listener's Impressions".)
Fabrizio Marchesano, Engineer
I have had your rendition of the Goldberg variations for some time now, and listen to it often, as it is as good or better than some of the actual recordings I have heard!
Matthew Jay, Composer
you for the Sounds, i've downloaded them all, and truly enjoy
them, especially BWV988. Ashampoo plays them very well indeed.
Ho avuto il piacere di visitare il suo sito e, devo dire, sono rimasto colpito dalla bellezza delle sue esecuzioni. Ascoltando il "suo" Bach ci si rende conto di come, davvero, l'espressività sia dovuta alla struttura musicale stessa delle composizioni, senza dover ricorrere a strumenti che modifichino le caratteristiche fisico-acustiche della fonte del suono. Bellissimo davvero.
(I've had the pleasure to visit your site and I must say that I've been surprised by the beauty of your performances. Listening to "your" Bach, one can realise how expressiveness is due indeed to the musical structure itself of the compositions, without having to resort to instruments that modify the physical-acoustic characteristics of the sound source. Really wonderful.)
Giacomo Fiaschi
Bravo, complimenti per il sito e per la maestria con cui suoni Bach. Complimenti.
(Bravo, congratulations for your site and for your mastery when playing Bach. Congratulations.)
Matteo Poggesi
Your interpretation is very sensitive and clear! In "the most beautiful, loveful" I know, the 5.3 [harpsichord and violin sonata, 3rd movement] adagio, I would have liked the dissonances of the violinchords to be more clearly shown; some more volume... to make the "conflict" more evident. Also perhaps cembali phrases would have lived a bit more if you kept a bit more every phase together with a little rubato...
Tommy Löfgren
I just got around to listening to some pieces from your Bachs Home Page. Theyre delightful! I would like your permission to create a CD from them. I would like to play it for my infant son as he gets ready to sleep.
Albert Chas. Schultz, Consultant
I much admire the Keyboard version of Bach Flute Sonatas BWV 1030 - 1032 on Classical Archives.
I did download and cut a CD of your BWV988. It does sound great! I fully agree with you that it is the ability of the player, not the instrument per se, that makes a superior, good, mediocre, or poor performance. [...] I did record a number of version of BWV988 and then played them in succession to my wife. Yours is her favorite "harpsichord" performance. As she put it, it is played with an understanding of the music. Indeed, music is more than making a sound, or succession of sounds. It has to express a human yearning, and yours does. Whether music is performed by human voice, beating on a hollow log, or whatever object, it is this human aspect (John Cage not withstanding) that makes music, and certainly, differenciates between a good composition or bad, a brilliant performance or something mediocre. Anyhow, we very much like your performance. Hope to hear more of your performances.
Frank A. Lojewski
I am really surprised in your web site where I found excellent Bach MIDI. Now I am very happy to introduce your Bach on my web site, and I hope a lot of Japanese listen to beautiful music.
T. Tonooka
Thank you for creating such a lovely site for classical music.
Wow!!!!! Incredible sequencing! An absolute auditory pleasure. Any plans to arrange the Brandenburgs??? Your interpretation of the 5th first movement is eagerly anticipated!
David Aldouby
Dear Bach lover, I am a pianist, teacher and composer (whenever I have time!). Although I believe I share your bottomless admiration for the music of Bach, the musician musicians', I don't know if I would agree on the MIDI rendering of the music as the best and most correct way to enjoy Bach. As a performer and a MIDI user as well, I experience different kinds of intellectual and physical conditions whenever I used either piano or computer. The actual emotions felt when hearing music played live (by yourself or an other performer) are not obtainable through MIDI versions. Also to be considered is "silent reading" of the scores, analysis, etc... Anyway, just thought I mentioned it. Congratulation and best wishes on your site. I truly enjoyed listening and reading it!
Gianluca Bersanetti, Pianist, Teacher and Composer
Bravissimo Bruno, sono davvero impressionato per quello che sai cavar fuori dal mezzo MIDI, riesci a far vivere lo strumento senza fare rimpiangere troppo la presenza diretta dell'artista. Ovviamente tu stai lavorando dietro le quinte e direi che stai lavorando con proprietà di espressione, grande sapienza e fantasia. Tu getti una pietra nuova sul futuro del mezzo MIDI, il tuo è un messaggio di speranza, ci fai sapere che egli può "vivere" ed essere uno strumento come tutti gli altri.
(Bravissimo Bruno, I'm really impressed with what you can get from MIDI, you succeed in making that instrument live with no regret for the artist's absence. Obviously you're working behind the scenes and I'd say you're doing it with propriety of expression, great wisdom and fantasy. You lay a new foundation stone for the future of MIDI, yours is a message of hope, you make us know that it can "live" and be an instrument like any other.)
Pacchioni, Musician
Thank you very much for such beatiful MIDI arrangements of J. S. Bach. I am really impressed, because these are exactly the best examples of J. S. Bach's MIDI arrangements I have ever listened to.
S. Cagdas Inam, Phd Student in Physics and Amateur Classical Guitarist
Le faccio i miei complimenti per aver trascritto in formato MIDI quelle rare opere in maniera magistrale. Se non fosse per lei probabilmente non le avrei mai ascoltate. Sto ascoltando i files MIDI presenti in Internet e mi accorgo che i più brutti sono le esecuzioni dei Concerti Brandeburghesi. Vorrei vedere la sua arte applicata a questi sei meravigliosi concerti. Vista la sagacia con la quale gestisce i timbri, mi aspetto dei file MIDI eccezionali. Spero di trovarli prossimamente sul suo sito.
(My regards to you, for having masterly transcribed those rare works into MIDI format. Hadn't you done it, I wouldn't probably have ever listened to them. I'm listening to the MIDI files in the Internet and I realise that the most unpleasant ones are the performances of the Brandenburg Concertos. I would like to see your art applied to these six extraordinary concertos. Considering your shrewdness in managing timbres, I'm expecting exceptional MIDI files from you. I hope them to come soon on your site.)
Giacomo Ghilotti, a Bach's fan
Le scrivo per manifestare con immensa gratitudine il mio apprezzamento della sua musica in formato MIDI: è la migliore musica classica midi che abbia mai ascoltato! In particolare mi riferisco ai pezzi per flauto e cembalo di Bach; sono ottimi e pieni di sensibilità e delicatezza! Non mancherò di fare conoscere ad altri questo suo interessante sito. Grazie ancora.
(I write to express with immense gratitude my appreciation for your music in MIDI format: it is the best classical MIDI music I ever listened to! In particular, I refer to Bach's pieces for flute and harpsichord; they are excellent and full of sensitiveness and delicacy! I won't fail to make other people know about your interesting site. Thank you again.)
Filippo Giuliari, Organist and Teacher
You have done a marvelous job on these files. They are far better than most of the MIDI files I have encountered on the Web. Thanks for posting them. I also very much enjoyed your Fugato; I hope you are continuing to compose.
David W. Thomas, Software Engineer
I think what you do is very interesting, and it is MUCH better than any MIDI file I've ever heard... I think you are an artist, not just a musician...
Ganna Sadchykova, Student
It was surprising to hear so clear and majestic the music of the composer which, you will never understand completely, it gave me a great feeling. Personally I like analogue recordings but I was really surprising. Great.
H. Biersteker
Questi files midi sono la dimostrazione che nelle giuste mani, anche un mezzo «apparentemente» povero e rudimentale è in grado di fornire intense emozioni musicali. Si ricava più piacere da questi pochi k-bytes che da molti, ponderosi mp3 disseminati nella Rete. Complimenti.
(These MIDI files demonstrate that, in the right hands, even a medium «seemingly» poor and rudimentary is able to produce intense musical emotions. One can draw more enjoyment by these little kilobytes than by many, ponderous mp3s strewn in the Net.)
Francesco Lo Cascio, Pianist and music critic
I visited your WEB site and stumbled upon quite delightful MIDI files with chamber music by J. S. Bach. In my opinion, these are the most accurately set, I heard, and sound excellently with AWE, Linux and Emu's 8MB GM soundfonts.
Ulrich Bruchholz
Nell'ultimo movimento [BWV 1035] il tuo "Come si suona Bach" è spiccato, tra l'altro per me è il più bello dei quattro. Non so fino a che punto il mio giudizio possa essere attendibile, ma non ho mai sentito nessuno suonare Bach meglio. Davvero sai, almeno, a me piace così. Mi dà qualcosa. Di indefinibile, qualcosa dentro. Da ascoltare ad occhi chiusi e lasciarsi trasportare. Molto meglio i tuoi MIDI dei miei cd!
(In the last movement [BWV 1035] your "How to play Bach" is apparent, among the other things it is the most beautiful of all four. I don't know whether my appreciation could be trustworthy, but I've never heard anyone playing Bach better. Really, you know, well I like it in this manner. It gives me something. Something impossible to describe, something deep inside. To be listened to with shut eyes and let yourself be carried away. Much better your MIDIs than my CDs!)
Stefania Buffa, Saleswoman
The tracks I have listened to so far are very stylish and certainly among the better examples around. Thank you. Your own fugue, which is playing as I write this, is certainly very effective. In general what I enjoy about your work is that you allow the music to breathe, something I don't always hear in midi realizations.
Roger Brown, Organist
Secondo me sei un genio: giuro che ormai ascolto solo le tue esecuzioni midi e credo che butterò via un sacco di CD con le performance di vari sedicenti "artisti" che sono convinti di conoscere la musica di Bach. Stai dando una lezione di umiltà notevole a quegli esaltati!
(In my opinion you are a genius: I swear I'm actually listening only to your midi performances and I think I'll throw into the bin a whole lot of CDs with the performances of various so-called "artists" who are certain of knowing Bach's music. You are giving a substantial lesson of humility to those zealots!)
Maria Serena Silvestri, Jazz bassist
I am very happy to have this material, and in particular the violin-harpsichord sonatas.
Sven Berglund
I was completely and totally blown away by your fugue for harpsichord and clarinet! All hail the modern-day Johann Sebastian Bach! Just wanted to let you know that I LOVE it!
Steve Shafer, Musician
Ottimo, Bruno. La qualità dei tuoi midi è pregevole. Bach è il pilastro e il codificatore del klavier, ed io lo ho suonato e studiato a lungo. Complimenti.
(Very well, Bruno. The quality of your MIDIs is relevant. Bach is the pillar and the coder of the "klavier", and I have been studying and playing it for a long time. Compliments!)
Luisanna Fiorini, Harpsichordist
Bruno: I've just played your Fugue for harpsichord and clarinet, No.1, thrice (i.e. three times) in succession. Fabulous piece! I like the Bach MIDIs, too, but have only listened so far to a few of the movements.
Adam M. Dubin, M.D. and pianist
Ho ascoltato la tua fuga. Mica male!!! Sei in gamba! Ho sentito un po' anche gli altri pezzi. Buono il cembalo con lo staccato nel basso, non meccanico come certi altri midi che ho sentito.
(I listened to your fugue. Not bad at all!!! You are skilful! I have listened a bit to some of the other pieces as well. The cembalo left-hand part shows a good staccato, not as mechanical as certain other MIDIs I've heard.)
Giacomo Andreola, Artist craftsman (recorder maker)
I enjoyed your MIDI transcriptions and fugue very much - they must have been a great deal of work. Thanks! I'm tempted to ask if they're historically informed, but maybe I shouldn't ;-) Your fugue is very happy and along the lines of Bach's early organ works (influenced by Buxtehude). It would be nice to hear another one.
Bruno, did you play the harpsichord yourself? I enjoy it, but I never agree with anyone claiming that "that's THE way to play Bach"!
Ruth Djatmiko
Outstanding! Really fantastic! The quality of these MIDI files is absolutely excellent! How did you do them? I had never found anything like this in my life: they are far better than most original recordings. The cembalo part is probably the best I ever heard and the arrangement, the expression and the feel are unique! Well done!
T.P., Harpsichordist
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